Earth Day: Introducing The Daterra-IAC Awards to stimulate the new generation of scientists.

Thinking about the world’s environmental future has become a concern, sometimes even an absolute alarm. Here in Daterra, we see the topic as responsibility that we have as an agrobusiness.

There have been decades of increasingly strident expert warnings and increasingly obvious signs of Earth’s climate change. Couple this with the realization that previous actions to solve the problem were tantamount to small steps taken by a generation of leaders who are still questioning the existence of the problem and what to do about it. It is no surprise, then, that the next generation of global leaders is preparing to start working on the problem (both in government and in business) with a sense of urgency. It’s not too late to solve this environmental challenge, but humanity should definitely not procrastinate as much as before. Our survival depends on it.

As a celebration of Earth Day, Daterra launches today a new project to encourage young visionaries in the field of applied science: the Daterra-IAC Awards for innovative studies in coffee sustainability and quality. In partnership with the Agronomic Institute of Campinas and their head of research prof. Guerreiro, we will recognize doctoral and master’s projects, hoping to stimulate our young scientists to advance deeply in the agronomical research that is so fundamental for Brazil.

Here in Daterra we believe in human capital, combined with agronomic and scientific capital. In order to accelerate these connections, we are striving to learn as much as we can about the various options for supporting regenerative and sustainable processes. We have been studying ways to bring the awards to life for three years! We cannot imagine a better time than now to put it into practice: the research field is at a really exciting point, where new technologies are just beginning to emerge, bringing many opportunities for optimization of performance, human quality, and environmental impact.

The next couple of years will definitely take us to the realm of regenerative agricultural technology, and they will come from projects and awards for young innovators in the science of coffee.